July 16, 2024

Senator Schmitt Introduces the Table Rock Lake Property Protection Act

WASHINGTON – Senator Eric Schmitt recently introduced the Table Rock Lake Property Protection Act, which requires the Army Corps of Engineers to honor their long-held commitments with landowners residing along Table Rock Lake. 

“Table Rock Lake is one of Missouri’s many hidden treasures, drawing in hundreds of visitors to Southwest Missouri every year. However, bureaucratic overreach by the Army Corps threatens to disrupt this community. That is why I am proud to introduce the Table Rock Lake Property Protection Act, which will require the Army Corps of Engineers to abide by their previous agreements with certain property owners. I look forward to continuing to work with Congressman Burlison, who’s championing a similar effort on the House side,” said Senator Schmitt


  • The Army Corps of Engineers has held lease agreements with property owners along Table Rock Lake which allowed those residents’ septic systems and property lines to exist on Corps owned land. 
  • However, the Corps recently decided to renege on their long-held agreements, instead giving property owners an ultimatum to dispense with their current septic systems and construct entirely new ones by 2030. 
  • Despite previous determinations by the Corps that the septic systems and sewage systems pose no immediate ecological harm, the Corps has unilaterally decided to impose this decision on landowners.
  • As things currently stand, the Corps has no concrete data or evidence to demonstrate these septic systems are in jeopardy or nearing the end of their lifespans. Moreover, the Corps has not cooperated with landowners on devising alternative options. Costly mandates and regulations will hit property owners’ wallets to the tune of several thousand dollars. 
  • Representative Eric Burlison (R-MO-07) has introduced a similar House companion of this bill.

The bill text for The Table Rock Lake Property Protection Act is attached here.

