Senator Schmitt Speaks on Senate Floor Recognizing the 75th Anniversary of Kansas City National Security Campus
WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt spoke on the Senate floor to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Kansas City National Security Campus – a site critical to the modernization, deterrence, and overall responsiveness of the United States’ nuclear capabilities:
“More than six thousand hardworking Missourians go to work day in and day out at the Kansas City National Security Campus, and the importance of their contribution to our country and its defenses cannot be understated. These Missourians produce 80 percent of the non-nuclear components for the weapons in our nuclear arsenal, supporting proliferation deterrence, supply chain security, and our overall responsiveness to global threats. Kansas City National Security Campus doesn’t just improve the reliability and modernity of our arsenal – they make it more efficient,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.
“I am deeply proud to represent the State of Missouri in the United States Senate, and am especially proud to represent the dedicated workforce of the Kansas City National Security Campus. They are central to our Nation’s security. I could not be more pleased to recognize the Kansas City National Security Campus and its 75 years of contributions to national security.”

- The Atomic Energy Commission selected Kansas City as the location to produce non-nuclear components for our nuclear arsenal. For 75 years, the Kansas City National Security Campus has been the primary site within the Nuclear Security Enterprise for procuring and producing non-nuclear parts and components for nuclear weapons.
- The Kansas City National Security Campus sits at the center of America’s nuclear modernization, security, and stability, and serves as the front line for our nation’s nuclear defense.
- To read more about the Kansas City National Security Campus, click here.