October 20, 2023

Senator Schmitt Statement on Biden’s Supplemental Appropriations Request

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt released a statement on President Biden’s supplemental request for foreign aid:

“Washington must be broken of its addiction to crafting massive foreign aid spending packages without any real consideration – the American people deserve transparency. There is simply no reason for even more funding for Ukraine to be considered in the same package as aid for Israel or Taiwan. We need to debate, consider, and vote on each of these items individually, not in a behemoth supplemental spending package. Let’s properly consider every foreign aid proposal that comes before the Senate on its individual merits,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.


  • Senator Schmitt has been consistent in his call to demand the Senate be intentional with hard-earned taxpayer dollars.
  • The Senate should consider each of these foreign aid packages individually, as each has different needs and different geopolitical considerations.
  • Senator Schmitt expressed serious concerns related to the recent passage of a Continuing Resolution (CR) that contained spending levels set by Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats for Fiscal Year 2023.
  • Senator Schmitt has called for D.C. to be broken of its reckless spending culture and return to the way businesses and families run budgets in Missouri.
  • Senator Schmitt will continue to work to craft an appropriations process that focuses on dollars and not deadlines.
