June 26, 2024

Senator Schmitt Statement on Murthy v. Missouri Ruling

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt released a statement on the Supreme Court ruling in Murthy v. Missouri:

“While this isn’t the outcome we were hoping for, this case is a huge win for Americans and for the whole country, because it exposed nearly every part of the Biden Administration’s vast ‘censorship enterprise.’ I’m extremely proud to have filed this case as Missouri’s Attorney General. Many knew that censorship was happening before this case, but Missouri v. Biden and later Murthy v. Missouri broke the dam wide open and showed the entire world the lengths that the Biden Administration and Democrats went to silence disfavored speech. While exposing this censorship is a win, the fight is far from over. I promise that I will never stop fighting to ensure that Americans’ First Amendment rights are jealously guarded, and I will continue to work to dismantle every last facet of the Biden Administration’s censorship industrial complex,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.

