October 20, 2023

Senator Schmitt Statement on SCOTUS Decision to Grant Writ of Certiorari in Missouri v. Biden

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt release the following statement on the Supreme Court of the United States decision to take up the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit:

“The United States Supreme Court has granted a writ of certiorari in Missouri v. Biden – the nation’s highest court will hear one of the most important free speech cases in a generation. I’m proud to have filed this case when I was Missouri’s Attorney General, and will always fight to defend free speech,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.


  • Senator Schmitt filed Missouri v. Biden in 2022 when he was serving as Missouri’s Attorney General, alleging a “vast censorship enterprise” between the federal government and social media companies to censor speech online.
  • Previously, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld much of the District Court’s ruling, enjoining a number of federal government defendants from coordinating and colluding with social media companies to censor speech online.
  • Senator Schmitt previously introduced the COLLUDE Act, which would strip Section 230 protections from social media companies that censor speech at the behest of government actors.
  • Senator Schmitt also introduced the Censorship Accountability Act, which would allow private citizens to sue federal government officials if they censor their speech online.
  • Read the Supreme Court’s ruling here.
